Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Web Design Project

Get a good start on this project, once you have decided on your idea - due Thursday 2nd July. You should aim to complete these 4 tasks by the beginning of term 3.

Task 1

Planning, you will need to create a Gantt chart
  • Wk 1 to Wk 10 of term 3 (remember wk6 is exam week)
  • Make sure that your tasks are written in full e.g. 'Research' should be explained, research into what? how?
  • You need to add a column to list the resources you will need for each task
Task 2
Research, you have already done some research into good website design, you should add to this with your topic in mind.

Task 3
Site plan, you will need to draw a flow chart to show how your pages will link together

Task 4
Thumbnail sketches, you will need 3 ideas for the CSS design. Make sure they are annotated to show colour, effects, sound etc

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