Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Over the holidays...

Make sure that your visual diary is up to date
  • Research leaflet design, look at layout, colours used, fonts used, think about the target audience and subject matter.
  • Thumbnail sketches of at least 2 different leaflet designs, remember to do the front and the back pages of both designs.
  • Concept sketches for final design - this should be annotated both to describe the document and to say what tools and techniques you plan to use to create it.

Research and content
You should be gathering and creating the content for your leaflet, remember you need to show the original text and your version. Think carefully about the angle of your dangers of alcohol leaflet and the message you want to put across.

  • What text do you need?
  • How much text do you need?
  • Is it relevant to the target audience?
  • Think of your text layout - paragraphs? quotes? introduction?

You must record every source you use in your bibliography


  1. Its going great miss i love the way youve cintrasted the colours to help show the important features of the blogg and the dish ran away with the spoon
