Thursday, March 26, 2009

Examples of leaflet design

leaflet number 1 is a little boring as its mainly just text. They have tried to liven it up with a cartoon dog and some fun paw prints.

leaflet number 2 has used text boxes to have smaller chunks of text. Dividing up text into manageable sections is a great technique to use for teenagers. The text boxes can have solid backgrounds (see ones on left) or be slightly transparent (see one on right)

Leaflet number 3 uses a simple colour scheme throughout - Purple, green and yellow. Its bright and attractive so appeals to a younger audience. The border around the edge adds a little more interest and makes it look fun.

Leaflet number 4 has an excellent centre page. Bright colours immediately grab your attention. The page is clearly split in half but not with your traditional line. Word wrap has been used on the left to align the text with the squiggle. I will show you how to do this technique. The text contrast well on both backgrounds. Again the information is split into smaller chunks with the use of sub-headings in small frames. Extra depth has been added to the background by including footprints.

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