Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Web Design Project

Get a good start on this project, once you have decided on your idea - due Thursday 2nd July. You should aim to complete these 4 tasks by the beginning of term 3.

Task 1

Planning, you will need to create a Gantt chart
  • Wk 1 to Wk 10 of term 3 (remember wk6 is exam week)
  • Make sure that your tasks are written in full e.g. 'Research' should be explained, research into what? how?
  • You need to add a column to list the resources you will need for each task
Task 2
Research, you have already done some research into good website design, you should add to this with your topic in mind.

Task 3
Site plan, you will need to draw a flow chart to show how your pages will link together

Task 4
Thumbnail sketches, you will need 3 ideas for the CSS design. Make sure they are annotated to show colour, effects, sound etc

TVNZ Multimedia challenge!

The Web Challenge site is now up and running. Read the website for full details.


All students must create a website for their Term 3 project.
PIT students can also work on the same website for their major project.
Entry to the competition is optional but encouraged.
Students can work in groups of 3 but documentation need to be submitted individually for each student.
Documentation for 18735 and AS1.4 must be complete by 11/9/09. Click here to look at the assessment criteria for the project http://y11pit.wikispaces.com/11DIT
Exam week is Week 6.
There is the option to take 15168 - "Enhancing webpages" during exam week.
Closing date for the Web Challenge is 25/9/2009. Time spend on the website during these 2 weeks will be at lunchtime/outside of school.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


click on the link below and find some different styles, see how CSS can be used to transform a website!
