Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Document Design

You should be building up a document which explains the different aspects of design listed below. You will need to access this in order to complete your leaflet evaluation next week.
  • Images: Quality, size, file type, effects
  • Colour: Colour scheme, CYMK or RGB, colour harmony, tone, colour associations, highlight
  • Proximity: Layout, organisation, clutter, what should be grouped together
  • Typography: Heading font, body font, font size, spacing, legibility, alignment, styles
  • Contrast: Size, colour, weighting, contrast between items, stand out
  • Balance: Asymmetrical or symmetrical, predictable, dynamic, hierarchy

Achieved, Merit or Excellent?

Ask yourself these questions?

Have you used a range of sources (Internet, booklets, surveys, interviews?)
Have you reworded your information (and kept evidence of this?)
Are you keeping your blog up to date?
Does your leaflet design consider the teenager audience in terms of style, content and layout?

If you can say yes to most of them you are working above Achieved standard.