Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Designer Profile

Deadline: end of week 5

Visual diary

  • Research e.g. what designs do you like? What effects have you found?
  • Ideas e.g. this could be a spider chart, thumbnails, colour / texture swatches
  • Concept design e.g. layout, annotate justification, different options


  • Design brief and specification
  • Same as your visual diary but with words
  • Ideas and developments
Produce solution
  • Take a photograph of your designer
  • Use Photoshop to create or work with different elements of your designer profile e.g. photo, background, heading

Bring together all the elements of your designer profile
  • Use InDesign to put everything together
  • Add text e.g. about your designer, where they are from, hobbies, their influences, style and their experience with design - what software do they like.
  • Add effects to finish your designer profile