Thursday, August 13, 2009


Click on the link to visit the Year 11 Wiki for more information about the TVNZ project

You should now be working on creating your websites and all documentation should be complete. Any missing work must be done in your own time.

Gantt chart
You willl need to update these regularly, any changes must be justified (explain why).

Concept sketch (story board)
Please check page 5 of the US Answer book, this list what must be included. You will need to plan all of your pages (miniumum of 3) and annotate them.
Make sure you are keeping your project journal up-to-date explaining any changes you have made to your Gantt chart, describing any decisions you have made and explaining about any problems you have had.

Outcome of investigations
You should have a clear idea of your topic and be selecting the text and images for the website. You should have some design inspiration research in your clear files (can be from practice website if applicable), evidence of some thought and decisions into the choice of fonts and colours.

You should carry out your research and then add to your outcome of investigations, these should cover:
  • Font
  • Colour
  • Layout
  • Images to be used
  • Text to be used
Briefs should be complete - make sure you have included the following in the specifications:
• Video
• Animation
• Downloadable file
• Table
• Pre addressed email